Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Awal muharram is a muslim new year. its a important to remember the hijrah of prophet muhammad saw from mekah to madinah. So we are one years older. As chinese has their own calender, muslim calender known as Hijrah.

Wikipedia said,

Hari Awal Muharram atau Hari Maal Hijrah merupakan suatu hari yang penting bagi umat Islam kerana ia menandakan dua peristiwa penting berlaku dalam sejarah Islam.
Pertama, memperingati penghijrahan Nabi Muhammad dari Kota Mekkah ke Madinah pada tahun 622 masihi, dan kedua, ia merupakan hari keagamaan di mana umat Islam mengadakan solat sunat di masjid-masjid di seluruh negeri. Hari Maal Hijrah atau Awal Muharram merupakan hari cuti umum di
Malaysia dan merupakan permulaan tahun hijrah bagi umat Islam

In Malaysia, few state declared awal muharam as a public holiday. Johor, where i live is one of the country that declare it as a public holiday.

This new year followed by a occasion called as year end prayer and new year prayer. It started before and after maghrib solat. i have chances to attended this prayer and most of muslim will do. it asked for forgiveness for the mistake and sin done by last year before maghrib. As soon after azan maghrib, we pray for the better person, good living, more barakah and rezeki.

for those who want the end year and new year doa, click here

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